The scales, symbol of justice,
embodied in a bridge, which reveals a path, to favor communication between diversities, regulated by law.
The law firm
MGTM Avvocati Associati offers its Clients assistance and consultancy in the criminal, civil and commercial law sectors and is made up of professionals who have always been animated by the belief that only a synergistic combination of human and technological resources is able to offer legal services up to the level of protection. that are requested today from the legal technician.
MGTM Avvocati Associati pays particular attention to the business world and to the problems connected to Legislative Decree 231 of 2001 and to the organizational management and control models, as well as to the reality of bodies and associations operating in various areas of legal-judicial interest.
Our sectors
Criminal law
The flagship of the Law firm. The firm offers assistance in criminal law, not only to individuals, suspects or victims of crime, but also to companies and entities, through the organization of the "231 Team".
The Firm employs professionals with significant experience, flanked by other young and dynamic people, to cover all areas of criminal law.
MGTM uses defensive investigations, including preventive ones, as an ordinary operational tool, in the interest of the accused of the crime and of the injured parties, a formidable defensive resource, for many years experimented with effectiveness in the development of the legal matter, also with the help of authorized investigation.
Law of executions
and bankruptcy
The Firm assists creditors (mainly banks and credit funds), debtors and investors, in insolvency procedures and in pre-bankruptcy and bankruptcy procedures.
Civil right
The Firm provides legal assistance in the litigation and pre-litigation phase in the areas:
• contracts, in particular assistance and consultancy for the drafting and revision of the same (sale, rental, residential, commercial, tenders, free loan, insurance, etc.);
• obligations, in particular through the defense of rights in court, debt collection, drafting of injunctive decrees, securities and real estate foreclosures;
• actions in defense of property and other real rights;
• succession, in particular in inheritance disputes;
• family law and child protection, with particular regard to separations and divorces, litigation on custody of the child, relationships between spouses and children.
231 Team
MGTM Avvocati Associati has set up "MGTM 231 TEAM" for the preparation and updating of the Organizational Management and Control Models and for all consultancy and assistance activities related to the administrative liability of entities deriving from the crime referred to in Legislative Decree 231 of 2001.
"MGTM 231 TEAM" is made up of:
Avv. Claudio Maruzzi, coordinator of the Team, recycling and food area
Avv. Carmelo Marcello, environment area
Avv. Pasquale Longobucco, transnational crimes and immigration area
Avv. Giulia Gioachin, occupational safety area
Avv. Simona Totaro, crimes against the PA, anti-corruption and corporate crimes area
Che vuol dire «grande avvocato»?
Vuol dire avvocato utile ai giudici per aiutarli a decidere secondo giustizia, utile al cliente per aiutarlo a far valere le proprie ragioni.
Piero Calamandrei